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Rysiekúr Memesson 🇺🇦

For your consideration:

If you go around asking random people on the streets about X, in a country where criticizing X might land them in jail for 15 years, you will only get responses that are pro-X.

This does not, in fact, prove that all these people are pro-X.

Jumping to such conclusions is not just bad journalism, it is simply disingenuous and borderline malicious.


@rysiek Heck, even if it isn't illegal they can still lie about it if it's a "non popular opinion" to save face. Asking people questions is full of pitfalls.

Rysiekúr Memesson 🇺🇦

I never had to hide my real opinions from the secret police, under threat of jail or worse, but my parents most definitely have.

This is a lived experience of 50+ people in Poland, and a *very* real thing for their children (simply because it was so present during our upbringing).

Watching armchair sociologists / political scientists pontificate on how deeply the population of a certain Slavic country supports the state that is oppressing them is something I just cannot stand, on a very personal level.


@rysiek I have to close those threads on Reddit, because I drives me mad that some folks just really, really want to find a justification for blanket hate towards other people.

Rysiekúr Memesson 🇺🇦

Just for the record, this is not a thread about people from a certain other Slavic country who are now being bombed and shelled.

I am in no position to judge them, or tell them how they should feel, nor demand any appreciation for such nuance.

Their feelings are valid, their anger is justified.

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