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Tyler McGee

@juglugs Lead really did a number on that generation didnโ€™t it?


@juglugs they also took away chances of owning their home and ever retiring for most. What are we supposed to want to preserve?

Claude Gohier

@juglugs Seriously, I think there never was a link between age and conservatism.

It was a link between wealth and conservatism, and younger generations aren't getting wealthier.

Chumchum Tumtum

@claudegohier @juglugs I'm sure there was a link, but rather than more people becoming conservative as they aged, people who lean left are more likely to be members of groups at risk of premature death and disenfranchisement

Shannon Skinner (she/her)

@claudegohier @juglugs
That's what I've been saying. Conservatism implies wanting to conserve what you have, to avoid risk, and preserve the status quo.

Reagan-era policies that have concentrated wealth in the hands of a few without any of the promised "trickle-down effect" have denied younger generations the opportunity for wealth generation that previous generations enjoyed. What's to conserve when you ain't got nothing?

Ronathon Livingston Seagull

@claudegohier @juglugs don't forget that huge swaths of gay people, who would have been marginalized had they lived, were razed by HIV in the 80s; those people didn't get older.

Veirling | #MMIWG #LandBack

@claudegohier @juglugs Ding, ding. You are so right. It was always about class status.

Kudra :maybe_verified:

@claudegohier @juglugs plus the young ones that are going to inherit wealth are likely going to be waiting so long that the beachfront properties will be underwater and only sellable to aquaman. Who probably can't afford a lot of dollarydoos.

Mia The Puppy (she/her)

@juglugs isnโ€™t the current trend that young men and boys are becoming more conservative than previous generations, while young women and girls are becoming increasingly more progressive than previously?

Social Diaspora Bard

@mia_tortilla @juglugs White men and boys, yes.

Other demographic categories don't often get noted in the generational comparisons. Younger generations are less white, less Christian, less straight and more educated than older ones. And since the GOP has decided that the only people who matter are cishet white Christians, preferably men, that means their share of the electorate is shrinking. If they don't win this year, they're all but irrelevant.


@textualdeviance @mia_tortilla @juglugs One last big push to keep Donald Dump out of office so he can't hijack the whole system on their behalf before they fade into irrelevance.

Ted Lemon

@mia_tortilla @juglugs Thats the scare headline, yes. Because itโ€™s interesting, and that drives ad impressions. Doesnโ€™t matter if itโ€™s true, or to what extent.

0xdd :hehim: :theythem: :neocat_solder_googly:

@juglugs a spectre is haunting millennials โ€” the spectre of material conditions

Estarriol, Cat owned Dragon

@juglugs and lead from petrol, not breathing the fumes either.

Dan Neuman

@Thebratdragon @juglugs Especially at small rural airports where leaded fuel is still used.


@BenartyComputer @juglugs

Yeah, but the Invisible Generation (GenX) gets left out of everything.

Token Sane Person

@juglugs Same thing is happening in the UK.
"*At the last election, the age at which voters became more likely to support the Conservatives than Labour was 45. Our data show that at the next one this crossover age will be almost 70.*"


@tokensane @juglugs I'm not British, but considering the amount of cultural crossover between English-speaking nations, I'm going to claim this as good news here, as well. (I really need some good news.)


I wonder if the Public Schools of England, the fascist YMCA of our ruling class, ever get tested for lead residues.

Kenny Kravitz

@juglugs Breaking the link between getting older and getting richer can't have helped, either.


@kennykravitz @juglugs If only the conservative parties would realize this link and start trying to make more people rich to get more voters.


@hysteretic @kennykravitz @juglugs It would defeat the purpose, which is to maintain a feeling of superiority. The fewer, the merrier.


That gave me an actual laugh out loud. Thanks!


I'd trade lead exposure over covid any day. Heck, I'd trade HIV for covid. Lead and HIV are so much better for you than even a mild Covid infection.

Charlie the Anti-Fascist Dog

@juglugs Yeah but isn't whatever they're calling Gen-Z like in their 20s?

I do think there's something to the lead thing though. It's not just paint, we used to spew lead into the air with our cars for decades.


@juglugs check the sources. Is it opt-in polls? If so, I gotta tell ya: that's deeply skewed.

Smรถrhuvud (he/surprise me)

@juglugs @cstross I always thoughtthat was a pure artifact of a now-broken correlation between age and wealth.*

*among white boomers and some of their elders


@juglugs Alt opinion:
Because history is no longer progressing, so previously progressive opinions don't become "conservative", since they don't get replaced by newer ones.



I'm early GenX and I have already matured to a few miles to the left of Jesus.

Anarchocommunist/communitarian with a side of #landback and #reparations and #AbolishBillionaires.

Do not give me the One Ring, kids.

Ryan Thomas

@misscrystallyn @juglugs I donโ€™t know Galadriel, your plan for middle earth sounds lit.๐Ÿ”ฅ


@misscrystallyn @juglugs
A strong case can be made that Jesus was socialist, communitarian and pro-reparations, and a non-violent anarchist. He was unequivocally #AbolishBillionaires


@juglugs Money. Theres no secret to why people become RW. Its a resource hoarding strategy.

Florida as it gets ~


dip yer toe into the GM vs. Tsla ev area.. vs. savdi$ and theocracy welfare.. wait what?


That would also explain why democrats are getting more of the colledge-educated vote; people with low brain capacity are not usually college educated.


@juglugs I was just about to break out in screams of BECAUSE WE'RE KILLING OURSELVES, YA DUMB ... I like the idea that it's linked to lead, tho. BC we have done some STUPID shit in the past, and hopefully our brains have had time to heal from the worst of that, and we can come up with #NiceThings.


@juglugs Covid is killing antivaxers faster than poverty is killing poors.


@juglugs I think that for boomers, especially older boomers who were worried about being drafted and forced to go to Vietnam, many were protesting and attached to the New Left only so long as that was a threat. Others were sincere and stayed left, but many drifted into "I've got mine" because their youthful leftism was just personal self interest. In more normal circumstances I think people from their politics at a young age and it sticks. Take older white GenX people, they vote to the right of boomers. Why? Because so many of them were Reagan Youth.

@juglugs I think that for boomers, especially older boomers who were worried about being drafted and forced to go to Vietnam, many were protesting and attached to the New Left only so long as that was a threat. Others were sincere and stayed left, but many drifted into "I've got mine" because their youthful leftism was just personal self interest. In more normal circumstances I think people from their politics at a young age and it sticks. Take older white GenX people, they vote to the right of boomers....


@juglugs @cstross
This study from 2020 says political views are generally ("remarkably") stable, but if they do shift, they're more likely to shift right. ๐Ÿ˜ข Interestingly, I have gone the other way, becoming more progressive as I have gotten wrinkles.

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@juglugs That and "massive, unprecedented wealth hoarding by boomers and early X makes millennials and Z start looking up guillotine design due to being shut out of the housing market"

Owen Nelson

@juglugs this is why they are fighting to keep the lead water pipes

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