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@nixCraft I like how it looks like the sadder engineers are wizzing on the old pile of complexity


@nixCraft as long as ai learns from what we feed it with, ai will be just a big screenshot of human stupidity, so i dont expect to be anywhere near the level of a mediocre pro

πŸ“ /home/zlendy You could solve it by feeding it "good code" exclusively. But knowing that most code will be at least partially generated by AI, I sincerely doubt this will ever be possible lol.

Jason Haar :laserkiwi:

@alihan_banan @nixCraft AI is just the statistical average of what's fed into it.


@nixCraft You can substitute "Low Code" for "AI" and that comic is still true. 😭


@nixCraft it's been going on for ages, could easily replace AI in final panel with k8s, cloud, devOps, Java, TypeScript, serverless, etc etc. there are many sad engineers!


@nixCraft I'm not an engineer, but I understand and deeply feel the connection between "complexity" and "sad" – do I still get to be sad, too, or am I relegated to shut up and be a user? πŸ€”


@nixCraft i can confirm the post-AI pile makes me even sadder than the old pile. at least the old pile had somewhat readable code.

Code written by AI is pretty crappy, and it'll take a LOT for it to get much better at all.

Joseph Horgan

@nixCraft The sadder engineers seem to be peeing on the old pile of complexity.

canleaf08 ⌘ βœ…

@nixCraft Still the Nvidia CEO claims β€œCoding is dead. Don’t bother to learn to code.”

Sei a Mensch!


When you are trying to solve a problem using REGEX you now have two problems.

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