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I find the use of the word "ecosystem" problematic when talking about tech. It suggests a naturally occurring system with everything in balance and harmony. Does that sound like tech in 2024?

It's language used to dissuade tampering from outside. We want to protect natural ecosystems, right?

Gated community, siloed systems, anything is better than ecosystem as a descriptor.

Peva Blanchard

@felichsdakatze @emilymbender I agree with the concern about describing "tech ecosystem". However, I think "information ecosystem" is not the "tech system". The information ecosystem is the means by which information is transmitted, so we could say it has been there for a much longer time than computer-based tech.

You are right though about the connotation that an ecosystem is something "natural", independent of us, and that we should protect away from us. I believe though that we should put down the connotation, not the concept itself.

@felichsdakatze @emilymbender I agree with the concern about describing "tech ecosystem". However, I think "information ecosystem" is not the "tech system". The information ecosystem is the means by which information is transmitted, so we could say it has been there for a much longer time than computer-based tech.

Matti Minkkinen

@felichsdakatze @emilymbender What about quagmire rather than ecosystem? 😉


@mmin @emilymbender

I approve. I also would accept cesspit or grease trap.

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