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it's the first electronics flea market of the year here in silicon valley! (

Diego Elio Pettenò

@tubetime with that many scopes, someone may even get promoted!

</big tech joke>

Darryl Ramm

@tubetime That poor Fluke DMM had had a tough life.


@tubetime neat. Was that an A2000 on top of the machine?

C:\kiteless.exe /BLM

@tubetime @root42 Also I ended up buying the AST 486. It's missing it's CPU but seems otherwise complete.


@tubetime some keys were so sticky they are now permanently welded to the fingertips.

Григорий Клюшников

Tube⛄Time, unrelated to the dirt, this is the most cursed arrow key placement I've seen so far


tubes! gotta love these portable kits


@tubetime WTF is going on with the key sizes and arrangement, alphabetical ordering isn't the issue, but getting bigger from left to right and the key on the right hand side of the screen being not parallel?


@tubetime Ah the EMSL overstock sale is bittersweet.


@tubetime I’ve got access to a storage locker with (roughly catalougued) 83000 vacuum tubes….

Would love some ideas what to do with them; preferably liquidating en-masse for a few bucks. Any suggestions?


@tubetime I have one of those from my late grandpa's old TV/appliance store!


@tubetime I love the 555 but building one for every project is rather time consuming, if only they made like an integrated some sort of integrated circuit all on one chip of silicon. But that'll never happen XD



You set the 5-Bar-Wifi free!!

Elton Carvalho

@tubetime uuuh, nice!

I remember this era and that some of us believed you should never open or close these doors with the PC on because it would "scratch the HDD"


I never seen such a fancy door mechanism in a PC case, so cool 🤩️ 😍️.

C:\kiteless.exe /BLM

@tubetime Soooo fun fact, that was my hand and me making all the slow door groaning noises! Was very good to meet you again Mr. @tubetime 😅


@tubetime *waits patiently for the drive bay image to finish downloading*


@tubetime The sound track is the best part


@tubetime I was so tempted to buy that power supply whose posterior is at lower left here but I realized I already have too many power supplies.

(I have already come to terms with the fact I have too many oscilloscopes and didn't buy any, though that Tek 11000 series someone had tempted me...)


@tubetime I wish there was stuff like this near me. Looks like it would be so much fun.


@tubetime Having the first flea on DST day is very on-brand for an event that starts notoriously early in the morning.


@xek yeah i missed that and arrived an hour late. lol

Brian Swetland

@tubetime Added the upcoming ones to my calendar in hopes of finally checking this out sometime.

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