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Russia-Ukraine Daily News

🇻🇦 Pope Francis has been criticised after saying Ukraine should have the courage of the “white flag” and negotiate an end to the war with Russia.

Some politicians and commentators in Europe reacted with anger after the pontiff appeared to stay silent on Russia’s crimes as aggressor in the invasion, which has killed tens of thousands, and placed the onus on Ukraine to make peace.

Simon Flett

@rvps2001 The historical context, of the mid-20th century, is an ignoble vatican history of accomodation with fascism.
Unlike John Paul 1, this argentinian pontiff has no lived experience of a Europe divided by the Cold War. He seems blithely unconcerned by the naked attempted nuclear blackmail of Europe employed by rampaging psychopath . HH Pope Francis prays for peace, but this 'courage of the white flag' thesis is dangerously misguided. Resolution is required, not passivity.


@rvps2001 Francis should know that one does not negotiate with evil.


@ZillaMon @rvps2001 the only way I can read that is: as the head of the largest sexual abuse organization in the world, that for millennia has brainwashed people into believing fantasies and subsequently exploits them, francis knows firsthand evil does not negotiate.

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