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Cassian [main]

If you use a screen reader and have a Github account, consider commenting on this feature request:

"Add a way to filter posts that contain images with no alt text"

If you don't use a screen reader, please boost this post rather than commenting on the Github issue.

linguistic chaos goblin

@cassolotl I'm curious about why you're limiting this to screenreader users.

Catherine Berry

@cassolotl @TomSwirly

Note that I do not use a screen reader, but would enable this feature immediately.

Danny Boling 🌈 ☮️


I don't use a screen reader but I love this idea! If this gets implemented then I'll never see those posts that I'm not going to boost or favorite anyway. Sweet!

Jeremy Mallin

It's not just about screen readers though. Alt text helps when people have slow connections and cannot load the image or when people who speak another language want to translate. Images of text cannot be translated, but alt text can be.

Andrew Scott

@JeremyMallin @cassolotl
While true, the issue doesn't seem based on the technical merits (or failings) of `<img>` elements.

> This would help mitigate the spread of images across the Fediverse without alt text.

To me that reads like an enforcement mechanism. Edit: to be clear, I'm not just trying to shut you down. My problem is that the GitHub issue makes no mention of how the text is useful, it blindly implies that people should use it or else.

Cassian [main]

@JeremyMallin Then leave a comment, and make it clear that you don't use a screen reader? You don't need my permission.

Kitchen Priestess (She/Her)


You'll end with some people just putting a single dot of alt text and nothing else, out of spite. Just saying.


I don't think it's quite as black and white as people want it to be. I often don't know what to put in the alt text because the post itself describes the picture.

Cassian [main]

The number of self-righteous people replying to say that they "don't use a screen reader but..." and then speaking in favour of this feature is like... ugh.

I don't have a strong opinion either way, because I don't have enough information. One accessibility consultant has commented, which is good, but still no people who need alt text, e.g. visually impaired people.

If any visually impaired people tell us that this is a good idea or a bad idea in their opinion I would love that so much. But if people who don't need alt text could please stop talking. Just. Plz.

[Except the accessibility consultant, you're allowed.]

The number of self-righteous people replying to say that they "don't use a screen reader but..." and then speaking in favour of this feature is like... ugh.

I don't have a strong opinion either way, because I don't have enough information. One accessibility consultant has commented, which is good, but still no people who need alt text, e.g. visually impaired people.

Cassian [main]

People who use #ScreenReaders, imagine a feature on your instance where you can automatically hide any post that contains images/videos without alt text.

If you reply with an opinion and YOU PERSONALLY don't need alt text for accessibility reasons, I will probably block you.

#poll #ScreenReader #accessibility #a11y #blind


@cassolotl I'm also blind on here btw. 😜

No hard feelings.

Jonathan T

@cassolotl Tagging in @main, in case it helps increase responses from users of Screen Readers.

Jonathan T

@cassolotl @main I'm also aware of the @AppleVis forum for Apple users with VIs. Maybe posting this question there would help increase responses?

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