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Paris Marx

Italy’s far-right party proposed using AI to assign youth mandatory jobs.

“The young person will no longer be able to choose whether to work or not, but [will be] bound to accept the job offer for himself (sic), for his family and for the country, under penalty of loss of all benefits.”

#tech #ai #italy #government


@jackwilliambell @parismarx

See you just know that the people who would be assigned to these jobs would end up getting abused.


@jackwilliambell @parismarx no, no, history has shown that Arbeit macht frei, correct?

friggin' Italian Fascists. they need the Illinois Nazi treatment



Isn’t this the pilot episode of Futurama??

🅰🅻🅸🅲🅴 (🌈🦄)

@parismarx I do not think that will end how you think that will end.

A screenshot of Inigo Montoya from The Princess Bride.

@trochee @parismarx at this point the question could even be "what could possibly go well" ? (it's definitely going far right)

Mx Verda

@parismarx Christ. I didn't think the UK's DWP would be outdone


@MxVerda @parismarx did you hear Liz Kendall today and what Labour propose?

Mx Verda

@Lassielmr @parismarx oh no, oh no... Let me go find out. argh.

Mx Verda

@Lassielmr @parismarx

As a disabled person further disabled by long covid and possible PTSD from being forced into a series of unsuitable jobs, I for one welcome our inhumane overlords.

(Insert grim MH- joke here.)

Partner and I living on benefits and only just now getting my WCA on universal credit tomorrow after throwing sick notes at them for many months (wasting GPs' time).



Good thing they are saving Italy from the scourge of communism and socialism! 💩

Matthew Merkovich - Masto SJW

@parismarx Wasn’t this what right-wingers said would happen if communism won?

(That question was rhetorical. This is exactly what I heard throughout my youth in the 1980s.)


@parismarx All of the far-right people in my parts are all screaming from the rooftops about how AI is going to enslave us (not so much in the SV sci-fi marketing sense, but referencing things like social credit score). Wonder what they think of this plan that's literally the plot from Season 3 of Westworld.


@parismarx can't wait to hear the altmans of the worlds' "now i know this LOOKS fascist, but..." responses
["but, this is actually how we get UBI?", i can imagine them saying]

Phil Greer


"A computer can never be held accountable, therefore a computer must never make a management decision"

Toni Aittoniemi

@parismarx What could go wrong?

No wait! They actually know about algoritmic bias.. 🥶

o ifrit

After "The Simpsons predicted everything" we have now "Futurama predicted everything"! 🤣


@parismarx aka the plot of the dystopian YA novel, The Giver

Fahri Reza

@parismarx are they going to game the jobs allocation.

Dana Fried


Ah yes, the Torment Nexus, from the popular dystopian YA novel, "Escape the Torment Nexus!"


@parismarx How weird is it that even pulp dystopian sci-fi was more nuanced than this?

Philip Cardella

@parismarx yeah, that's not fascism at all.

It's neofascism.

Holy shit.


@parismarx The problem isn't the AI, it's the workfare / benefits sanctions principle behind it. Which, sadly, are already here in many countries including the UK, and have been for many years. Politicians believe (falsely) that cruelty to benefit claimants, which in practice reduces their chances of getting a good sustainable job, is a vote winner.


@matthewtoad43 @parismarx

The AI is part of the problem in this context for multiple reasons. First is to avoid accountability whenever there are issues. Second, because they'll want to pretend the algorithm is unbiased.


@parismarx sounds like habing to go to school foreverrrr


@parismarx Ugh. My great-great grandfather who escaped Italy because of fascism and became an indentured servant in New Orleans because that was better, because he was an incredibly devout Catholic would be tossing in his grave. I suspect "the italian" side of the cemetery in Natchez, MS is a bit restless.

Florida as it gets ~

@parismarx - their dear leaders die such crappy deaths.. anyhow..

hey check this out #nazis #nazi #antifa #antifascist #greens #blacks #blues and no pews. . .



No wonder Biden wants to lick her scalp.

Fish Id Wardrobe

@parismarx "... And that's why I'm a shoe consultant at Pizza Express."


@parismarx @danmcquillan this exemplifies how "AI" is intrinsically a tool that will serve the worst agendas


Eine sozialistische Planwirtschaft?! Eine zweite DDR brauchen wir auch nicht mehr.


@parismarx heinous proposal aside, I am certain that these people would not be able to put together anything even minimally functioning



“This kind of algorithmic solution to unemployment shows a continuum between far-right politicians in Italy, politicians in Poland and center-right politicians like #Macron,” says Casilli.


@parismarx it’s funny how often this shows up as a trope in otherwise obviously very left wing and often quite hopeful science fiction. Although, usually without the aggressively coercive part.

Clockwork ☃️✒️


Italian here: this proposal was so unpopular among citizens that it didn’t even make a public discourse. Everyone was just against it.


@clockwooork @parismarx good too hear. Id obviously be more pleased if everyone was throwing rocks at them, but a nice powerful "No" is satisfying enough.

Clockwork ☃️✒️

@the_wiggler @parismarx

In Italian history, the average citizen has usually thrown rocks at fascists only *after* they were hanged, so I too hope we can start doing that a bit earlier this time around 😅

Shizamura in S.A.D. land

@parismarx the funniest part is that they could employ a lot of people to do it if they don't use AI, but we all know it isn't really about giving people work/options here


@parismarx “The privileged are processed by people, the poor are processed by algorithms” - Cathy O’Neil Weapons of Math Destruction

Clara (Hobo arc) 🍉💕🌈

@parismarx Well, I didn't expect the #enshittification of the original fascists.

("neofascist" is a distraction)

Rob van Kan

@parismarx Benefits? They scrapped those in favour of a shameful handout.


@parismarx @FeralRobots What does “loss of all benefits” mean? The article didn’t discuss this. Does that mean something like free healthcare, unemployment benefits, and/or UBI? Or does it mean something else? I don’t dispute the rest of the article - it’s a decent quick overview of the tech sector’s fascist tendencies - but not sure demanding unemployed youth work a job to receive benefits is unique to fascists. Is that why the authors skipped over the benefits?


@dogzilla I didn't read the whole article, but I remember when I was unemployed in Portugal, we would go every forthright to show the documents proving we were looking for a job with the penalty of losing our unemployment benefits if we didn't show up, if we didn't actively look for a job or if we refused a job offer. I don't remember if we could refuse some at the time, so take this with a grain of salt. But we had to show up personally.


@parismarx We're already living in a dystopian hellhole.


@parismarx "you will become a nuclear powerplant supervisor!" "d-do i even have the qualific-" "DO NOT RESIST! You will become a nuclear powerplant supervisor!"



#tech #ai #italy #government [insert the meme about the bus driver, the sign, and the fact that ai not being accountable, it can't be used in place where decision have to be made]

But yes, I know it's by design. Extrem right loves simple, false and dangerous solutions to complexe social problem

Doug 🌈🇨🇦 :verified:

@parismarx What an absolutely terrible idea. The we don't want immigrants so we'll enslave your children law.

Thanos the tank engine I'm sorry in what world is this ever a good idea have these people even seen what "AI" actually does?


@afouxenidis θέλω να γνωρίζω σε τι αδιεξοδο βρίσκονται αυτή την στιγμή τυχόν ικανές αριστερές δυνάμεις για να απαντήσουν και να αντιμετωπίσουν τις πολιτικές της άκρα δεξιάς και του νεοφιλελευθερισμού. Μήπως η άκρα δεξιά/νεοφιλελευθερισμός προτάσσει τέτοια narratives γνωρίζοντας ότι έτσι ακινητοποιεί πολιτικά την τυχόν υπαρκτή αριστερά?

Papa Dragon
Hey, we could also implant a career chip on everyone so that the AI's decision can not… Oh wait, that's a Futurama episode!
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