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la ninpre

@neauoire oh, i get it, this is because in this interactive mode it kinda overwrites the tal file with rom. but if one gives drifblim arguments, it doesn't fall into live mode. it's kinda weird

la ninpre

@neauoire ahaa, so one has to send src and dst file names to drifblim thru stdin and only then one can safely ctrl-p and it will work. sorry about the spam...

Devine Lu Linvega

@la_ninpre np, sorry I should document this more, I didn't think anyone would also want to use it that way :)

Devine Lu Linvega

@la_ninpre I don't use the live mode much outside of porporo. I have an alias that runs the makefile instead of piping the working file into drifblim because I often want to assemble outside of the entry file(let's say I'm in assets.tal), I don't want to assemble from assets.tal

My typical workflow is to pipe left into uxnfor, and ctrl+b to reformat the working file, I do this about every 10 seconds when I work.

la ninpre

@neauoire ah, makes sense. i also wanted to setup some aliases, but decided to try what is already there first. just don't like a bunch of terminal windows hanging around.

actually, things like these could be very doable in acme, but i like that left has these uxntal-specific lil glyphs. at first they were very confusing to me, but then i got used to them and now i cannot go back x)

Devine Lu Linvega

@la_ninpre it's all software right, so maybe that whole process can be improved, you could do something like adding a command in left that writes to the Console/err port and send commands that you catch with some other process. It's all made to be customized so don't be shy to hack at left and make it your own.

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