@dalias @ariadne @sertonix The reason why I don't have the s6-frontend interfaces yet ("s6 service foobar start") is that I'm not sure of the semantics they should have wrt dependencies and oneshots. Should individual services be controlled and dependencies be damned? should there be different commands to start/stop/restart individual services and graphs of services? And what does stopping a oneshot mean?
I want things to make sense, to be logical and intuitive; and these questions are only ever answered vaguely by systemd and openrc.
Also, systemd's notion of a service includes stuff like ExecStartPre= and ExecStartPost=, which means it really bundles a few oneshots with the supervised longrun; this doesn't work with pure s6, which is why I need the s6-rc service manager layer over it if people want an equivalent of ExecStartPre= in their service files.
(Edit: typos)
@ska @ariadne @sertonix I suspect you can build it on top of s6 with scripts that look & behave like the systemd commands and use their service files. Even if it's mildly ugly, it's a lot less ugly than adopting systemd instead.