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Loukas Christodoulou

In the same way as "the cloud is just someone else's computer" - "AI decisions are just someone else's prejudices".

Ángela Stella Matutina


Crystalized into code, multiplied by billions, made into "common sense", monetized, sold, bought and buried.

Tim Ward ⭐🇪🇺🔶 #FBPE

@Loukas That's what labelling is about - AI decisions (eg about whether a credit card transaction looks dodgy) are based on the "prejudice" of actual factual determinations. You might regard the victim of a fraud reporting it as a fraud to be prejudiced against fraud, but that's about as far as you can go with "prejudice".

Steve Leach

@Loukas Being as we are in an election year and a bizarrely polarized and dis-informed political climate, this immediately made me think:

"Polls are just an average of everyone else's prejudices".

Steve Leach

@Loukas Electoral/ML comparisons are often on my mind though. The Electoral College? That's Max Pooling.

Steve Hersey

Well put!

It's worth expanding that to the readily evident "the cloud is just someone else's computer, and they don't care what happens to you or your data so long as they profit from it," with the obvious analogy to AI decisions.


@Loukas the amalgamation of the internet's prejudices, which luckily has a fabulous track record of being right about everything.

Louis Ingenthron

@Loukas "AI Decisions" seems like an oxymoron... AI can do a lot of cool stuff, but "make decisions" is not one of them.

Tito Swineflu

@Loukas The cloud is someone else''s EXPENSIVE computer and AI decisions are someone else's ENERGY HOGGING prejudice. fify

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