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You know how you're supposed to run your project/brand names past someone who is terminally online before you commit to them?

Might want to add an Australian to the panel too.

Jono Ferguson

@benno not to paraphrase Tay at you, but " I think they know"

Piers Cawley

@johncarneyau @benno nah, you need the ocker because the brit's gonna notice it, but say nothing and just laugh at it with their mates later.


@benno 90% chance that whoever named this was giggling the whole time.


@benno then again 9/10 of us would see this, spit our coffee and then give a thumbs up hell yeah that's perfect..

Matt Palmer

@benno @NanoRaptor I'll see you that and raise you...

(and yes, I knew exactly what I was doing, and my inner 10 year old was extremely satisfied)


@womble Well you were dealing with ASN.1 you needed _some_ joy.


@benno reminds me of this American radio station that clearly hadn't had a Brit proof read their name


@spzb @benno 98% chance both of these knew exactly what they were doing. :-D


@benno Hahaha. I one created a JS library for parsing CLI arguments.

I smartly named it "cliparse".

My coworkers are still making fun of me, 10 years later.


@benno wake up babe new protocol just dropped

scrottie (he/him/them)

@benno I knew someone who worked for, now part of When he first pronounced the name of the company he'd gotten a job at, I was very interested and a little confused.

David Robb

@benno never discount the possibility that at least one person responsible for the project *is* terminally online (and/or Australian, as the case may be), and it's deliberate.

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