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Robb Knight

@paulcuth Apologies - you are doing exactly what I thought (in my tired state I must have looked at it wrong). I think what's happening is NetNewsWire isn't looking for a feed because the URL ends with .xml

And apologies for the title thing, again I think this might be a NNW issue not looking for the actual feed.


@robb It's all good... I'm learning a lot about other feed readers today 😆

Robb Knight

@paulcuth Aren't we all 😅

I'm not sure how to get around this - I tried with additional query strings on the end but it still picks up the page as a feed but NNW is pretty popular on iOS/Mac so it'd be good to come up with something.

Obviously I have no idea how the site works but I'm thinking encoding the feed URL with base64 or something would fix it because the it wouldn't end with “.xml”

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