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Michael Emory🎮🐧🔺

@aras I bet you can really crank out some nice models with this!

Aras Pranckevičius

@orsinium 1) why not, 2) it’s just a dithered screenshot :)

Suburban Druid

@aras WAT. … That is crazy…! I LOVE it.

Michael B. Johnson

@aras I just was trying to think what the crank would map to…

Aras Pranckevičius

@Drwave oh, that’s easy. The crank is for cranking out 3D content!

Joacim Jacobsson

@aras I love all the people thinking it is real.

André-LA 🎀 gamedev

@aras "up up down down A B crank roll" to extrude the active face, but don't forget to "down down B up" to enter on edit mode first.


@aras im figuring this is a screengrab, but theres been a lot of cool movement for 3d stuff on playdate lately

I dont know too much about it being more interested in 2d-arcade stuff, but it looks impressive!

Aras Pranckevičius

@superfunc yeah quite curious how far “3d-ish” stuff can be pushed on it. A bit surprised (disappointed?) that I haven’t found any demoscene demos for #playdate Maybe Someone™️ should fix that?

David Sena

@aras @superfunc I've been so tempted to do one...I've just been telling myself I don't need yet another side hobby project 🫠

Octavia con Amore

@aras @TheAngelsCove ... ... ... Uncle Andross? :blobfox_confused:

Tom Hannen

@aras I know this is a joke, but a 1 bit raytracer / renderer for the #playdate would be a fun toy and an interesting UX challenge

Aras Pranckevičius

@tomhannen someone suggested making a Gaussian splat renderer for it… it’s such a silly idea that I now want to try it ;)


Mesh ‣ Extrude ‣ Extrude Region

🔃 crank-crank-crank-crank

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