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Dr. Damien P. Williams, Magus

Genuinely huge news from the American Psychological Association, which just voted 153-9 to pass a new policy agenda supporting transgender healthcare, actively dismantling the misinformation and lies ABOUT trans people and their healthcare needs, and calling for a complete repeal of all anti-trans bills, nationwide. It isn't federal law, but it is huge and will have a beneficial impact in a number of places in the US.

Well done on the APA, here, doing what they can to protect trans people.

Maggie Maybe

@Wolven I mean this is great, but the American gynecological association came out threatening to take licenses from doctors who spread disinformation about abortion. Women still lost reproductive rights. Good luck to the trans folks.

Mother Bones

@maggiejk @Wolven This is true but battle lines are being drawn. No more waffling. Professionals need to pick a damn side and stand ON it.

Hannu Ikonen, MD

@Wolven Not an expert but 153-9 seems pretty decisive.

Mother Bones

@hannu_ikonen @Wolven Who are the 9, we gotta ice them TF out 😤

stephaniepixie 🏳️‍🌈

@_L1vY_ @hannu_ikonen @Wolven Thought the same thing… we need names of those 9. No one who wants to harm others should be allowed to hide behind anonymity

Mother Bones

@stephaniepixie @hannu_ikonen @Wolven They should not be working with the vulnerable public.


@hannu_ikonen @Wolven cool. But meaningless unless there is political activism involved. Maga doesn’t gaf about professional organizations

Mother Bones

@Wolven Thank goodness we're still standing by our ACTUAL overwhelming research instead of bending to fascism.

Gemma 👽

Good. Now if only there were a government with the guts to do something about this, well that'd be just terriffic. :blobcat_owo:


@prettyhuman @Wolven actually what we need is people who understand where this is coming from. Aka Maga gop. Are you unaware ?


@Wolven meaninglesss unless the GOP is named and shamed

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