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Everything now has to be competitive.
No, it doesn't, what happened to just enjoying it

Steve P

@Ea7krc @iraantlers

Do what makes your heart sing and do it louder and more energetically when you're being watched.

Steve P

@Ea7krc @iraantlers Yeah but it's half the fun. It's almost as good as smiling at a stranger, it worries the hell out of them.


@Steve_p_photos @iraantlers
Fair comment but most people I know don't understand or even try to get my personal achievements. It's not a complaint just an observation

Joan Albright

@iraantlers How dare a person do a Thing that doesn't allow me to carve off a slice of it to stick in my Scrooge McDuck money bin?



To be fair, if a bird doesn't sing well, it probably doesn't procreate.



One of the things I've been think about lately is that when you first play an instrument really the only thing you aim to do is just to make a sound. and I've been trying to find a way to maintain that mentality in myself now.

Like I've been watching my kids play my guitar or their grandparents piano lately. They aren't concerned if they are playing it "right", or if it "sounds good". All there is is this desire to make a sound and that's it.

Freeman Crouch

@iraantlers @punkhaiku This is EXTREMELY useful for where I am today. Good catch; thank you.

Violet Rose :v_trans:

That's one thing I love about karaoke. No one expects professional perfection. You just sing, have a couple of drinks, sing again, have a couple more drinks...

Hein Ragas

@iraantlers @DanielleVossebeld Hier had je het nog over in de context van die shitty YT videos

Danielle Vossebeld

@heinragas @iraantlers Ja precies. 😃 Fantastisch dat mensen er goed in willen worden, maar het is ook goed als we ons vermaken met wat knullige bewegingen zonder veroordeeld te worden.

Joost van Baal-Ilić

@iraantlers one of the nice things of raising a child: it's considered normal to sing childrens songs to your child. i very much enjoyed doing that :)

‏lol‏ ‏fedifriend (cat aspect)

@iraantlers This is how I feel whenever dancing at anime conventions is done for the sake of competition.

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