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Don Cooley

Oh, this is now my favorite shorthand

Morpheus Being

@dbc3 my new word/phrase. Thank you. Can we use as suffix after many politicians' names?


Splendid. In gratitude, allow me to share a favorite of mine, AYKLT, standing for the sadly overused phrase, "and, you know, like that ..."

CharJTF :a11y: (she/her)

@dbc3 I spend my days trying to convince folks to not use Latin abbreviations in their docs.

They're gonna be surprised when I start using etm 🀣

RS, Author, Novelist




The best insults are the ones that go over the insulted head, but not those of the audience. I expect to use this a lot! In fact, I'm printing it out for my wall.

, , , , , , and

From @dbc3: eldritchcafe.files.fedi.monste


That’s not real, even though it’s funny.

In case you think it’s real, try to find a reliable source, quote or dictionary entry.

Don Cooley

Of course it's not. There is no such Latin expression. Note the source is "HipDict"

Stuart Moore

@dbc3 @ilsk@theblower.aub indeed, not an original Latin phrase or abbreviation but a calque, i.e. translated from English (in this case).


@gruntfutuk @dbc3 Yes, and merda is not Latin for shit. It’s just something Latin sounding. Et Excrementum would be just as amusing etex

Mike Torr

@PhilipKing Think I'll start using that. Thanks! I'm a stickler for accuracy :)


@PhilipKing @gruntfutuk @dbc3 maybe I'm misunderstanding something, but "merda" totally is Latin for "shit".



yeah, just looked it up in my 20 year old Latin-German dictionary (actual book) and it is.

@PhilipKing @gruntfutuk @dbc3

Stuart Moore

@bodhipaksa @PhilipKing @dbc3 not really, it's the phrase that was challenged rather than the translation of any particular words


@gruntfutuk @PhilipKing @dbc3 Philip King said, "merda is not Latin for shit." That, according to Wiktionary, is incorrect.


@gruntfutuk @PhilipKing @dbc3 It was indeed not you (and it wasn't your comment I replied to).

Mastodon isn't very good at displaying the relationship between comments, though, so any confusion is understandable.

Stuart Moore

@bodhipaksa @PhilipKing @dbc3 agreed, it's a hassle to break up the names, although I should have still seen the thread even if not tagged - clients will probably get better at this at some point

Bodhipaksa replied to Stuart

@gruntfutuk I must get into the habit of editing out other names when a comment is meant for one person. I've done that here and I edited my original comment as well. After 15 months on Mastodon I really should know better.

charly replied to Bodhipaksa


I usually break up my replies like this.
The one I reply to on top, the rest of the people in the thread on the bottom.
Doesn't require much effort, but so far seems to be understood by everyone.


Don Cooley


A trick to avoid such confusion is to either delete the names you are not addressing, or insert your comment like this one so it reads more like "To:" and "CC:"

@gruntfutuk @PhilipKing


@dbc3 Yup! I was just reminded of that by @gruntfutuk! It's not something I've been in the habit of doing, but I think I'll start doing it from now on.



I am so sorry that it is not real 😭


@ilsk @dbc3 it might not be real, but I think it's going to become a thing.

David Koff (he/him)

@dbc3 That’s, like, fucking cool, etm

πŸ€– Lazaro the dog


Example: Drumpf is a liar, a con, a rapist, etm.


At the Jesuit school, I didn't get good grades in Latin and shit


@dbc3 Look at you thinking you're all funny etm.

...Heh, I like it! I shall use this!

Ollie Boermans

@dbc3 It’s not every day I find myself wishing for a new TLD

Don Cooley


You mean like
www.republicanparty.etm ?


Ollie Boermans

@dbc3 the tautology makes that particular example less interesting, but yeah – you get the idea 😁


@dbc3 each day learning is sooo important! 😁

Riley S. Faelan

@dbc3 Remember: the glyph & stands for 'et', so 'etm.' can also be shortened as '&m.', for the same reason why 'etc.' can be shortened as '&c.'.

(Or '⁊m.' and '⁊c.' if you're Irish. Or Roman.)


@dbc3 though it is only a word-for-word translation and modern approach.

Don Cooley

I am enjoying the comments, mostly humorous, some pedantic etm.

Der Haken

@dbc3 would you consider stopping this improper use of a phraseological calque of the English idiom "and shit". 🀣🀣🀣

Don Cooley

When you find yourself going down a pointlessly pedantic rabbit hole, quibbling over a comic definition etm, maybe you need to stop and apply your energy to something constructive, like helping the less fortunate etm.


@dbc3 do you think this would fly in business emails etm?

Don Cooley

Depends on the business. In some the merda is already flying. Others are more proper etm.


@dbc3 I’m going to start slipping this into my work order closures and see how long it takes for someone to Google it. πŸ˜‚

Joe Wynne

This should be Mastodon-standard abbreviation. Perfect blend of education and profanity.


"et al" is used for
"and elsewhere (used when referring to other occurrences in a text)".
"And others ('et al.' is used as an abbreviation of `et alii' (masculine plural) or `et aliae' (feminine plural) or `et alia' (neuter plural) when referring to a number of people). .."
~source: Wordnik



Wait. Yesterday, I heard someone say "Oh yay, uggeroff bay." You're telling me that's not Latin?


@dbc3 OMG Thank you! I'm so going to start overusing that today, for emails, etm. πŸ˜€

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