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@tubetime IBM Cleaning Fluid was originally 1,1,1-Trichloroethane


@ke8smq i figured as much. the part number on this IBM cleaning fluid looks too new to be used on the equipment i was looking at (late 70s era, not 80s or 90s)

Elton Carvalho

@tubetime maybe isopropyl is the bulk solvent but there may be other stuff in there. I've seen a mix of isopropyl and acetone sold as "electronics cleaning solution" before.


@tubetime I think the missing part of the puzzle might be IBM changing the formulation of their cleaning fluid. DEC had a similar thing when they switched from Carbon Tetrachloride to Isopropyl Alchohol. Not sure if that happened with IBM or not.

Darryl Ramm

@tubetime Notice as well that IBM cannot metric and also seems confused about implied accuracy.

8 fl. oz. is 0.237 L or 230 or 240 ml for those who math.

tom jennings


8 ounces is not . 0237 liter. Unless that means Florida Ounce or something. (Edit) it's 0.237 liter of course. But what the typo tells me is that in the 1970s or whenever, a liter was too alien a concept for an American to see an error in.

Just one drop on a drink might add an exotic enticing aroma...

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