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Bread and Circuses

I'm 70 years old. Many of my followers here are seniors, like me, or are at least middle-aged. Most of us are angry and probably grief-stricken about what capitalist industry is doing to the biosphere.

But what must it feel like to be a young person in your teens or in your twenties and be looking toward a future of near-certain disaster, the collapse of society, the destruction of everything you hold dear? I can't imagine the pain.

It would be understandable if they reacted by simply giving up. Or perhaps by lashing out in anger. But some of them, showing incredible courage and determination, have formed movements to change what they can and to save at least a vestige of the civilization they are inheriting.

I stand in awe of these selfless, dedicated young people.

#Environment #Climate #ClimateChange #ClimateCrisis #ClimateAction #ClimateJustice

I see Dud people!

@breadandcircuses I wish I'd been as politically and socially aware when I was their age. I feel shame at myself for that lack.

Jim Brobeck

@breadandcircuses I love seeing these young climate activists and hope their perspective spreads into the youth culture on display in high school parking lots that overflow with pickup trucks, suvs and hot rods.

Human 3500

@breadandcircuses As a kid, I remember the projections that we were headed the wrong way and then watched it happen to save / grow the precious economy. The day by day changes didn't seem measurable.

But today's kids didn't see what we saw as kids - they only see now. They should be mad as hell as what's happened under our watch but they don't all know. They need to be told and see for themselves.

I'm hoping the young kids think independently and all vote properly to save the planet and themselves. The world needs to listen to them because we've stolen their future.

@breadandcircuses As a kid, I remember the projections that we were headed the wrong way and then watched it happen to save / grow the precious economy. The day by day changes didn't seem measurable.

But today's kids didn't see what we saw as kids - they only see now. They should be mad as hell as what's happened under our watch but they don't all know. They need to be told and see for themselves.

@Human 3500

> all vote properly

Few children (if any) consider such actions as irrelevant to the fundamental enormity of the changes necessary
Mrs M 🌱


One such person is part of a local sustainability group I’m involved with. She’s great as she reminds us vociferously that we don’t have time to mess about. We need to start acting and NOW, or she has no future.

Jon F :anarchist_flag: & ☮️

@breadandcircuses The pic is in Australia. I took my son to our local version of that protest. Even for a smaller regional centre, it was amazing.


@breadandcircuses Honestly, I've just been utterly confused. Every Science teacher since the 90s has focused on teaching us about climate change, recycling, personal responsibility for our choices...

Then I leave school and it's like no one else knows. Or they outright refuse that it's an issue. It's like generations don't talk to each other anymore or work together. Makes me want to start a club that appeals to all ages so I can try to mend the generational gap.

cognitively accessible math

@TanekRune @breadandcircuses
It's because What you Learn IN School Is To Answer Questions About On A Test.
It's not *really* about the real world.
Math works the same way.

David Penfold :verified:

@TanekRune @breadandcircuses
It seems to be more of a media issue than anything else. They set the narrative.


That is your fault, you are contrasting the motives and abilities of a science teacher to 20-30 students against paid propagandists over corporate media 24/7 brainwashing and conditioning obedient masses of working stiffs.

@TanekRune @breadandcircuses

Patty Kimura

@breadandcircuses I became involved with my first activist group at age 10. It was what we called back then, an ecology group to protect the earth, from us. Decades later I, too, am heartbroken and angry at the world we leave for the young. They, who rise up, are awesome. We did some, but not enough.

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