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Robin Hood

I think my favorite thing about the Willy Wonka debacle is that at the end of the day it shows something really interesting about AI generated ideas and content

AI can make you flashy ads and write nonsense, but one day you’re going to have to actually DO something. And if you’ve been relying on AI to do all the work up to that point, you’re probably really REALLY bad at doing things

Robin Hood

Never EVER rely on someone who uses AI to make digital content to do ANYTHING in the real world because they’re probably horrible at that too

Tattooed Mummy

@robinhood I thought the same! 2 minutes of AI prompts but then you need to do some damn work!


@robinhood as I keep saying, AI has a place for the things it does well - stuff like DLSS on graphics cards - but trying to make it "do stuff for you", rather than doing stuff with you, is where it's all going awry

Susan Kaye Quinn 🌱(she/her)

@robinhood to me, it says that the people most likely to use AI never intend to actually DO something at all — it's grift all the way down


@SallyStrange @robinhood put in "willy wonka" in your favorite search engine and look for "news" or most recent activity. I haven't read any of the articles yet but the headlines are... sure are a whole lot of, what the actual fuck was happening here???

:googlyeye: Stlex :googlyeye2:

@SallyStrange @robinhood a group in Scotland advertised a Willy Wonka Experience event using AI-generated images to suggest what the space would be like and it turned out to be a couple of sad props in a huge empty warehouse (see attached images). It was so bad that customers called the cops on the organizers for ripping them off.

Neia Providing a product is really expensive, so corporations will try to avoid that as much as possible. AI makes it cheaper and easier to do so. Fortunately, laws forbid it, but they aren't necessarily super reliable.

Steve Fenton ♾️

@robinhood This is a much better way to paraphrase the recent study that found exactly this! This who performed well with AI within its limited capabilities performed the worst when the task fell outside its capabilities.

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