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Ian Kluft 🖥️📡

@Mastodon I don't see the update on F-Droid @fdroidorg . If that isn't already in progress, please accept a polite ping. Thx

Eugen Rochko

@KO6YQ @Mastodon @fdroidorg If you don't want to use the Play Store, you can also download an APK directly from our GitHub releases page. The F-Droid package is managed by F-Droid and seems to be a few versions behind.

Ian Kluft 🖥️📡

@Gargron @Mastodon @fdroidorg OK, thanks. It isn't that I don't want to use Play Store. I wanted to support the Open Source project. So this thread has already brought the polite ping to the attention of @fdroidorg . It looks like their automated build got stuck, and maybe they needed to know about it.

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