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Cory Doctorow

The reality is that PE goons - like other financiers - are basically herding animals. *Everyone's* hit on the tactic of buying up beloved media companies - from the 150-year-old *Popular Science* to modern publications like CNet - and then filling them with spammy garbage in the hopes that Google will fail to notice and continue to award them pride-of-place on search results pages:


Cory Doctorow replied to Cory

The fact that these billionaire brain-geniuses can't figure out how to "turn around" a site whose workers a) produce brilliant, popular, successful work; and b) depart to found successful firms that commercialize that work tells you everything about their ability to spot "a good business opportunity."


Cory Doctorow replied to Cory

PE - like other mafiosi - only have one business-plan, the "bust out," where you invade a business that produces useful things, force them to pay your chosen suppliers sky-high fees for things they don't need, extract massive fees for your "management" and then walk away from the collapse:


Cory Doctorow replied to Cory

I'm on tour with my new novel *The Bezzle*! Catch me TONIGHT in LA with @adamconover at Vroman's, then on MONDAY in SEATTLE with Neal Stephenson (Feb 26, Third Place Books). After that, it's Portland, Phoenix, Tucson, Anaheim and more!


Nicole Parsons replied to Cory


Parasites infect both healthy and unhealthy hosts.

They alter their host organisms to suit the parasite.

In another example, vampire bats have similar strategies as hedge fund managers, of "feed & fly off".

Although in the case of Chris Hohn, it's more "feed & eff off".

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