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Chee Aun 🤔

After a while, my usage slowly leaning towards this: grouping by authors. Feels refreshing browsing it this way. Faster to scan too.

Oh yeah, this is how it looks like on wider viewport. Kinda email-like.

#PhanpySocialDev #sneakpeek (not available on dev site yet)

hybrid havoc

@cheeaun Very cool looking. I remember that there was an Android client that was working on a similar view, showing authors first with a badge to indicate posts, then clicking through to view only those posts.

This looks really good on a full desktop. Love the quick toggle sorting and filtering options.

Chee Aun 🤔

@hybridhavoc that's probably @rodentapp - difference here is this doesn't require clicking through or filtering by author. Everything is still on one page, but grouped instead.


@cheeaun i realized it's been a while since your last push to phanpy's production branch , and i was wondering "what could Chee Aun be cooking? "
Then this appeared in my timeline like an answer from the heavens :neko_xd:

This looks brilliant ! Lots of way to organize your feed, amazing!

Jeff Sikes

@cheeaun This is nice. It does feel like it could be its own app. Where do you navigate to it from Phanpy (when it releases)?

Chee Aun 🤔

@box464 it's another page on Phanpy. I'm only using it when waking up in the morning to catch up on posts during sleep.

I'm fine for anyone else taking this idea further and build their own app. It's almost like building a full-fledge data analytics platform so the usage and discovery patterns are endless.


@cheeaun that’s a really interesting setup. Have you considered a way to hide read posts on phanpy with posts being marked as read after scrolling by? Similar to how Voyager does it. Would help catch up on just the new posts

Chee Aun 🤔

@nix aware of that feature on Voyager but haven't really tried it. Once hidden, how do you go back to see it?

On Gmail, a similar concept would be "Archive" which is manual-hide regardless of read state, and can be seen again in "All Mail"


@cheeaun iirc theyre working on letting you hold the hide button to unhide the read posts. Currently you turn off hide read posts to bring them back.

On gmail you have to manually press archive on each post? Because on voyager every post is marked as read when you scroll by and then one tap on hide or refreshing the feed, hides all the read posts.

Chee Aun 🤔

@nix hmm anything auto will need more consideration:

- if there's a new reply to a hidden post, will it get unhidden?
- if the timeline has auto-refresh every X seconds, will it get read and hidden every time?
- if turn off hide read post, the whole timeline will change, wont that lose the scroll position for unread posts?

Getting read states need to track scroll positions & post dimensions and store them somewhere, so I think it's quite an effort (props to Voyager dev!).

@nix hmm anything auto will need more consideration:

- if there's a new reply to a hidden post, will it get unhidden?
- if the timeline has auto-refresh every X seconds, will it get read and hidden every time?
- if turn off hide read post, the whole timeline will change, wont that lose the scroll position for unread posts?


@cheeaun doesn’t have to be auto a manual button would be great too.

- reply would make it appear if its a reply from someone you follow like how a post appears on top of your timeline now if someone you follow replies to it

- I think manual hide button and refresh by pulling down at the top of your feed should be the only time it hides the posts

- if turned off reset timeline to the most recent post

knowing if we’ve caught up on all posts with this would be like Inbox Zero and RSS feeds :)

Chee Aun 🤔

@nix 😄 that's quite a number of assumptions made there.

As of now, I'll slowly iterate. There's a lot of ideas; I would rather let other devs take this idea(s) further and make a standalone app 😬

Chee Aun 🤔

Not sure where to put these, so experimentally placing them at the top for now, reusing the styles from trending news in Trending page. It's based on the post's `card` so some links are actually "quote posts" 😬

#PhanpySocialDev (not on dev site yet)

Nelson Minar 🧚‍♂️

@cheeaun oh looking forward to trying this. I'm one of those people who really tries to read every post of the people I follow. In the morning I would love to read it forward from where I left off yesterday, in forward time order. Not sure exactly which grouping I'd pick but looking forward to trying.

Phanpy's grouping of boosts is a genius feature. I turn off retweets / boosts in every social media system because they are too noisy but with Phanpy I like them!

Chee Aun 🤔

🤫 Quietly dropped on dev site #PhanpySocialDev . Feedback/bug reports welcomed 🙇‍♂️

Cool to see @laurenshof the first one to post about it

Laurens Hof


some early feedback after playing around for a bit with it:

- its really good
- popular posts that are boosted a lot by multiple of the people you follow get duplicated when you sort by boosted
- when people post a thread, the 2nd+ comment shows as a comment, not as a reply. i get the intent and think its better this way, but it did confuse me for a second the first time i saw it happen

feed list showing boosted posts that are duplicated
Laurens Hof

@cheeaun id also be very curious what it looks like if the catchup feeds shows post slightly more expanded so its closer to the regular feed. it does feel a little bit cramped right now

Chee Aun 🤔

@laurenshof yeah currently the "smart" grouping from Phanpy doesn't apply in this Catch-up timeline. Will need to think more about it.

As for the feed post view, it's more similar to email now. I initially started with one-liners (looks even more like email) but ended up with this max-3-line "preview". The cramped-ness really depend on the posts, some look very empty with a lot of white-space, while some are just too much. Will need to experiment more 😄

Sara Joy :happy_pepper:

@cheeaun @laurenshof yeah I like the idea that it's a bit more like a normal feed so you can set your filters or click on an author and just scroll around as normal. Otherwise I'm having to specifically click through on every post that might be interesting.


@cheeaun It’s great. Couple of things I noticed: 1. no way to get back to the control bar except scroll manually to the top again? (iOS 17.3.1). I think I’m going to want to change the filtering as I’m reading. 2. I enjoy the styling of individual posts on the standard home view better.

Really useful! Thanks.


@cheeaun curious, is this more, less, or doesn't a make difference to resource usage on an instance? I guess highly dependent on someone's mastodon usage? Also, have you played around with different types of 'popularity' metrics? e.g. very rough one off of the top of my head, a post's likes / their follower count, as a way to not have things skewed to just large accounts.

Jeff Sikes

@cheeaun This is an excellent "morning catch up" tool!

More load time, I know, but it would be nice to have a filter for mutuals or for accounts you have interacted with the most over the past X days.

Separately, if you could apply this to lists - some lists filter out accounts on the main timeline, so they aren't being included here I assume.

Bret Mogilefsky

@cheeaun I love how this is shaping up, and group by author does feel more feed-reader-y. I like this idea of also tuning my Follows by who's noisiest, etc.

But! I have been yearning for a way to group posts that all reference the same link. As in "this link is getting a lot of traction among my Follows, and I just want to see what they're all saying about it at once". I don't know if that fits in with the Catch-up concept, or would be better as a thing all by itself.

Bret Mogilefsky

@cheeaun Ooooh, I just saw the "top links" bar at the top! I like it, but again... I want to see what my Follows are saying about it when they share it.

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