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Dr. jonny phd

Watching this happen in neuro is the whole thing that started me doing what i do now, and I write a section on this in basically everything I write. Its literally how the whole discipline works and ofc is a huge source of labor inequity and tech access inequity. Who has to, who has the resources for, and who gets the credit for hacking together the busted ass tooling landscape? The answers wont surprise u, obvi, since u study this stuff, but just to say we share this origin story ♥

Cat Hicks

@jonny also very cool that you write this out as a section, I should think about that in science writing

Dr. jonny phd

It sounds like you also already write about/think about this, so we're already in the same spot! So it being its own section is mostly just bc I think having to title everything "methods" "results" and "discussion" is a boring convention
edit: clarifying wording for intention

d@nny "disc@" mcClanahan

@jonny @grimalkina chiming in to say that working with extremely smart grad students who had to stop and throw up their hands instead of doing science several times a day because of fucking proprietary software that profits off of disempowering them and then they blame themselves for not being computer savvy that experience among others changed me and motivates me

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