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@Rjdlandscapes @dashrb @Strandjunker Not sure why that specific point matters so much to you. Nobody thinks they're the same, but wealth is what's relevant for billionaires and income is what's relevant for workers. Billionaires don't work, so they don't live off wages.

Obliterating the wealth of billionaires is a big step in hampering their ability to influence the implementation of anti-worker policies. Obviously you don't do that by just increasing the income tax on billionaires. You do that, plus a massive wealth tax, and you eliminate taxes for the poor. Then you slowly outlaw obscene wealth hoarding. And increase social spending and increase the minimum wage.

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@PacificNic @Rjdlandscapes @Strandjunker think there should be both a progressive income tax and a wealth tax. And an inflation adjusted minimum wage.

The pendulum swings, and right now it’s way too far to one side. I hope it swings back before society collapses from the inequality.

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