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My three words to anyone who's listening':

Figure out how.

These bastards have better accountants than the nation has regulators. They have reduced all our politicians to prostitutes with their PAC contributions - and if you dare to impose a wealth tax - they will move their money to tax havens faster than you can read this sentence.

Figure out how.


@tuban_muzuru @Strandjunker Let them go, headquarters and all. Is it that hard? If they’re really that in control of the US Government, then nothing we say or do matters already.


@Cefr @Strandjunker

There's plenty we could do, if our regulators weren't in and out the Revolving Door of tax avoidance/regulation.

Anyway, I've already covered that with tax havens, mostly.

Lots of good ideas are out there: fewer tax brackets, chop down the forest of corporate tax breaks, but to your idea, they'd just move their incorporations elsewhere and business continues semper eadem.

-- I'm telling you, these are smart people.

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