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NicoCharrua :blobfoxnomstrawberry:​

@nonfedimemes cant you see the mastodon account from Pixelfed anyways? Any reason for the split?


@nonfedimemes I tried to find how much does uranium dioxideperoxide costs , ultimately failing except for this :

Fink :antifa:

@nonfedimemes @hypebot Pure h2o also wouldn't be the best idea though 😆

Fink :antifa:

@nliz Afair: because the water you normally ingest contains minerals and whatnot. If you'd drink pure water the cells in your body would "explode" thanks to osmosis trying to level the water/minerals % inside/outside the cell. Same if you drink eg salt water but the other way around :3


Really cool answer. I would never have thought of the question to begin with.

Doesn't osmosis or some filtering/distilling remove most of the minerals?

Fink :antifa:

I have no idea how much any of these actually do. What I remember is that it filters "bad" stuff, which I guess is bigger than minerals?
Distilling might get more out of that, still no idea how pure water that actually produces.


@nonfedimemes back when radiation was first discovered, this kind of thing happened a lot. Some highlights, radioactive toothpaste to give your teeth that radioactive shine!

Josh Conway :donor:


Wait... its only 1$ for a gallon for H2O4U ?

Shaddup and take my money! ReFiNiNg TiME!!!!!


@crankylinuxuser @nonfedimemes

And at the very least, Sue for false advertising bait and switch

This is a litigious version of buying land to get paid to not farm

Connor Cadellin

@nonfedimemes I think of this all the time with the soft drink J2O. Closest I can make out for J would be the former name "Joliotum" for what later became Dubnium, which would similarly be extremely radioactive and Ill advised to drink.

Ezlin Rye


Good gracious, the things that we can buy from vending machines in the Western world I tell you hwat.

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