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Raccoon at TechHub :mastodon:

@benroyce @ChrisO_wiki
I keep wondering what is going to happen to Russia after this. Putin has done things that will take decades to undo, including throwing all the young men into this meat-grinder. Most won't come back, those who do will never be the same after living through insanity like this.

Putin is destroying the Russian future for nothing.

1 comment
Ben Royce πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ replied to Raccoon at TechHub :mastodon:

@Raccoon @ChrisO_wiki they were already in demographic crisis. solution: as you say, a meat grinder. degrade the economy to a medieval war footing and place yourself in vassal status to china. destroy all diplomatic goodwill except with the likes of north korea and iran. drive anyone with foresight and means to flee at the start of the war, humungous brain drain. etc

russia reduced to a destitute pariah barking threats to nuke everyone. pure tragedy. the end game of mafia thugocracy

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