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Craig Hockenberry

Region locking features makes it incredibly difficult for developers and QA folks who are in the US (e.g. Cupertino) to test things that are going to appear outside the US.

Basically, everyone at Apple now has a foot gun.

Craig Hockenberry

One way to look at this whole situation:

Apple Legal is making it harder/impossible for Apple Engineering to do a great job.

It’s likely that folks who do development at Apple don’t like what's happening any more than we do. I know quite a few folks who work on WebKit & Safari and I can't imagine that they are on board with all this EU bullshit.

I haven’t asked directly, because I know they can't answer directly.

Григорий Клюшников

Is it even worthy to consider the region locking a real obstacle? You can trivially make an Apple ID for any region (just put in a random address from there), and you can trivially change your IP address to any country (just use a VPN). They wouldn't use GPS for that, would they?

Craig Hockenberry

@grishka They are using SIM card information to do the region lock. Because it's hard to spoof a carrier.

Martin Dufort

@chockenberry @grishka Wondering if removing your SIM would prevent installation process 🧐

Григорий Клюшников

Martin, iirc iPhones require you to insert a SIM card (or install a eSIM) as part of the activation process. I do wonder, though, if you can just stick any EU SIM in there regardless of where you are, or it requires an actual network too.

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