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On my 2nd job we're developing "MST" -- an open source/free software solution for multi-seat configuration:

To test it in production we've deployed MST on several workplaces in our local college and it works quite nicely.

Currently I'm working on packaging MST for GNU #Guix (see "guix.scm" file in the repository.)

In 2020 I gave a talk (in Russian) about MST:

MST uses Qt for GUI and the #Scheme (#Guile) for its daemon.

#projects #multiseat

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MST allows to configure a multi-seat setup without the requirement to use a separate GPU for each seat; you can theoretically have as many seats as the sum of your GPUs outputs.

The project was started because the existing multi-seat solutions (that we were aware of) were either proprietary or clunky at best back then.

Currently I don't getting any funding for my work on MST but I'm hoping that the project will be of some help for people.

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