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OpenCage 👉🌍

🚨🚨 Let the Feb. 2024 #fridaygeotrivia game begin 🚨🚨

On Feb 21st the world celebrated "International Mother Language Day", in honor of which our question this month is: Name countries that have only one official language, and that language has no official status (national or regional) in any other country.

An example is Iceland 🇮🇸 with Icelandic

• 1 answer per toot
• must include #fridaygeotrivia hashtag and the emoji flag of the country

Full rules on the blog:

Ilya Zverev

@opencage As a person from 🇪🇪 Estonia I should mention it :) #fridaygeotrivia

(wouldn't the list be like 150 countries long?..)

OpenCage 👉🌍

@zverik no not really, the list is shorter than you might think

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