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nixCraft 🐧

What in the world is a Warp Terminal? Well, it is a terminal built using Rust that includes several features, such as AI and cloud connectivity. However, it is worth noticing that it is proprietary and a 100% closed source. Additionally, users are required to have an account to use it. It is also bloated by design. No, thank you. I'll stick with the Gnome Terminal or Terminal macOS app. No matter what they say, you don't need the "Wrap Terminal" with bells and whistles. #privacy #security

Oi to the World

@nixCraft amen. I am also wary of terminal emulation, but also am growing weery of repairing them


@nixCraft Yeah I took a very brief look at it. Wouldnt use it on my home computer but I suspect the market for it is corporate teams of developers.

To the extent that the language matters to the final product, there are a few terminal emulators written in Rust - the most well known is probably Alacrity . Followed by Rio. WezTerm is another.

For me, I've found more benefit in having a modern Shell more than a different terminal emulator, though.


I tried it today actually and I'll stick with Yakuake. (with ohmyzsh of course)


@nixCraft Couldn't agree more. I called out a YouTuber for shilling them and not mentioning he was being paid. He was resoundingly silent on the matter. Wezterm for me, or iTerm2 on macOS.


@nixCraft oh lol. well i guess this was a matter of time.

but a closed source terminal with obscure cloud connectivity generating and inserting comands coming from an ai model that has mental breakdowns. what could possibly go wrong?


@nixCraft CRINGE. I was expecting an OS/2 Warp terminal. I would have been much better, actually.


@nixCraft and if you would like bells and whistles there is Tabby, and it is OSS. I use Tabby now. I used Terminus but you need subscription to use all features.


@m0jek @nixCraft
It's a nice one, but consumes quite a lot RAM.


I'm wary of closed source terminal emulators, even though I have to admit some look damn nice and usable :

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