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Interpipes 💙

@evacide I’m concerned about this:
“your phone number will no longer be visible in Signal to anyone running the latest version of Signal”

This suggests that if bad actor keeps old signal on their phone, they will still see your number?

(Also, it implies that hiding the number is a receiving-client-side decision?)


@interpipes @evacide
Did you read the article?

Let me help you with a citation:

"Each version of the Signal app expires after about 90 days, after which people on the older version will need to update to the latest version of Signal. This means that in about 90 days, your phone number privacy settings will be honored by everyone using an official Signal app"

Interpipes 💙

@momo @evacide ah, good to see. I did read the article and I went back and still couldn’t see it, but it turns out that particular paragraph is hidden under an ellipsis I didn’t open, which is a strange thing to do with a critical explanation of how users would be protected.

Interpipes 💙

@momo @evacide but it nevertheless still suggests that the network still sends the number in the message and the client is simply coded not to show it

Interpipes 💙

@momo @evacide also, on reflection, how much work is “by everyone using an *official signal app*” doing in this sentence - are there unofficial signal clients (that will be able to choose to display the number)?


@interpipes @evacide I do not work for signal and have no access to the source code of the server implementation. I think these are questions you could ask the people working at signal:


Interpipes 💙

@momo sure. They're also questions I'd direct at any trusted party suggesting that this is safe to rely on because my reading of the totality of what's been provided by signal - now with the benefit of the paragraph you highlighted - is that it *isn't* safe to rely on given the existence of 3rd party signal clients, so I was wondering if @evacide or anyone else who saw this thread perhaps *did* know better or saw something I've missed.

Interpipes 💙

@be @evacide interesting, but if it is not accessible to the client when the sender hides their number I wonder why the recipient's app version matters, then, and why the wording of the post is so very specific about "official apps"

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