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Eric Portis

πŸ“ I wrote a thing about color spaces in general and oklab()/oklch() in particular.

Eric Portis

@mia That means a ton and thank *you,* particularly for some key conversations over the years that helped me see just how provisional and patchy my understanding of all of this stuff was (and is [color is fake]).

Matthias Ott

@eeeps Okay, incredible post! πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘

Eric Portis

@matthiasott Thank you! It took some time (I learned a lot about three.js!) but a fun thing about blogging is there are no deadlines and you don’t have to cut corners.

Matthias Ott

@eeeps Oh yes! Only on your personal websiteβ„’!
I love both the interactive parts but also how you use very clear and simple language to explain things that often appear super complex. It’s also wonderful to follow along with what feels very much like your own learning journey. ✨


@eeeps this is fantastic, thank you for the time to write such a clear explanation of colours! (i loved oklab before, but this is a real clear explanation)

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