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Jared Rimer

@ellesaurus @FreakyFwoof How do I add these to my forms? The honeypot field I've never heard of, and a timer sounds interesting. But in theory, someone could take less time to fill out a form than others.

Elle 💗

@FreakyFwoof The honeypot field would just be a hidden text input in the form so no human would enter anything in, but a bot would.

The time to fill out the form can be done in multiple ways, but the simplest is another hidden field that is populated with the timestamp of initial page load that submits with the form. Subtract that from the current time to get how long it took.

The timer is meant to be very short, like a few seconds.

Jared Rimer

@ellesaurus @FreakyFwoof That's very interesting. Anywhere in particular in which we hould do that?

Jared Rimer

@ellesaurus @FreakyFwoof I'm not sure how I would implement this. I know HTML, and I tried my hand at CSS even after I was given a prototype but i could never master the concept. This sounds intriguing.

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