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Mikołaj Hołysz

@FreakyFwoof I get your point, I really do, but what alternative do you suggest?

Sure, ReCaptcha works with no email requirement, but that's only because they're Google and have it already. Audio captchas are a terrible idea, I've helped out non-english speakers over the phone with ReCaptcha enough times to know this first hand. Everything else (including audio) is trivial to solve in the age of LLMs and provides basically 0 protection. You can use weaker solutions and rely on IP reputation, but then blind people on "shadier" networks are completely out of luck, Google has this problem too.

HCaptcha is the worst system of all, except for all the others.

Andre Louis

@miki Anything that isn't HCaptcha. A numeric problem, what is the number before four, plus two numbers after six? Add these together and type your answer. should be 11.

Mikołaj Hołysz

@FreakyFwoof These are trivial to defeat by LLMs and heavily discriminatory, this time against those who don't speak English, aka the vast majority of the global population.


@miki @FreakyFwoof Just tried that one and chatgpt can't solve it. And there's no reason why it can't be internationalised.

Jayson Smith

@FreakyFwoof @miki The problem with that is that LLM's are just too good, and are only getting better. I have a contact form on one of the websites I run. It asks for the normal things, then asks a logic question. Some examples: If you get your hair cut, is it longer or shorter than it was before? If today is Friday, what is tomorrow? Piano, toothbrush, garbage truck…which do you put in your mouth? This worked for many years, but I routinely get spam from that form now, and I suspect the spammers are just enlisting the aid of their friendly neighborhood LLM to solve it for them.

@FreakyFwoof @miki The problem with that is that LLM's are just too good, and are only getting better. I have a contact form on one of the websites I run. It asks for the normal things, then asks a logic question. Some examples: If you get your hair cut, is it longer or shorter than it was before? If today is Friday, what is tomorrow? Piano, toothbrush, garbage truck…which do you put in your mouth? This worked for many years, but I routinely get spam from that form now, and I suspect the spammers...

Jayson Smith

@FreakyFwoof @miki And before anyone says it, the thought that a toddler might put a toy garbage truck in his/her mouth is beyond the point.

Andre Louis

@jaybird110127 @miki For what it's worth, I still rather use RECaptcha over HCaptcha any day of the week.

Jayson Smith

@FreakyFwoof @miki Oh me too! Unless, that is, I'm not signed into a Google account at the time, and it asks me to click the images that have Pan-Galactic Gargle Blasters, with no audio alternative.

Kevin Karhan

@FreakyFwoof @miki that makes sense...

Or something like:

"If you take the word "hello" and shift every letter by one position in the alphabet forward, how many F's are there?
Type it out as word, followed by the number of the position in like "six 9" ..."

In this example the correct result would he "one 2"...

In the current age where LLMs can't even count till 2 this is something most people can do...

Or the aforementioned calculation sample...

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