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Ivory by Tapbots :emoji_wink:

:appicon_ivory: Ivory v1.8.4 is now available on the app store. Here's the link to download:

Have you been receiving a bunch of spam? This is an emergency release with a custom filter added to the Filters tab (scroll to the bottom of that tab) to mute spam mentions. Turn this filter on and it should catch most of them. This will not stop spam push notifications.

We are still finishing up the big Quote Posts update so appreciate your patience on that one! πŸ™

gh0sti :pika:

@ivory TestFlight users getting the custom filter?

Jeff Forcier

@ivory big ups as usual for keeping an eye on things! πŸ™ŒπŸ»

UNRELATED side question: am I overlooking a way to make Ivory-on-Mac stop eating hyperlink-clicks elsewhere on my system? I can 'open with' and choose my browser, but that's not permanent :D

Ivory by Tapbots :emoji_wink:

@bitprophet Assuming you aren't running the Ivory Safari extension right? That will open known mastodon URL's in Ivory. You can turn it off in Safari's Extension tab in its settings. Otherwise has Ivory set as one of the apps links to that server can open up in. And there is a way to toggle that on and off, but I honestly forget how to do it. It has something to do with right-clicking on the url and opening in the browser instead.

Jeff Forcier

@ivory don't think I am running that extension, but I'll double check (I'm on FF, anyways).

Also didn't realize the websites can trigger this behavior themselves, another avenue to look into. Thanks!

Lady Di

@ivory You guys are the best! Thank you! πŸ˜πŸ’•



Let me know when you develop an Android app. I'd be happy to alpha / beta test it.


@ivory what does it consider spam exactly? how does it work?

Ivory by Tapbots :emoji_wink:

@colinstu You can turn it on and see the results it catches. If you haven't received any spam on mastodon, then I wouldn't turn it on. You'll know when you need it.


@ivory I'm the instance admin so I've been keeping up on the spam cleanup x)
Just curious about the mechanics of it were. I know the masto folks are trying to figure out something at the server level as well but it's tricky.

Ivory by Tapbots :emoji_wink:

@colinstu There's a few rules in place. An account without followers and not following anyone, no profile photo, not following you, mentioning you and other users in a new post, etc. It's something we will continue to improve over time. But the goal was to get something out quickly to stop this initial problem. πŸ™‚


@ivory @colinstu Just jumping in to say: Ivory has been taking a very pragmatic approach to gaps in native Mastodon functionality (trying to get ahead of spam filtering, quote-posts, etc) and it's GREAT to see. Still my favorite Mastodon experience!


이게 λ°”λ‘œ λ³΄ν—˜μ˜ 효과?



Thank you for this. I had a moment of confusion about whether it was the filter that was enabled or the spam. I mention this as I bet I’m not the only numpty out there.

Joshua Strobl :verified:

@ivory Worked flawlessly. I run my own solo instance and it was honestly getting exhausting going into the admin panel in a browser and suspending all these new instances. Filtering without the warning did the trick, just won't save my poor web UI. Hopefully the Mastodon devs will add some admin tools to combat this.

Ivory by Tapbots :emoji_wink:

@BartV Look for this icon in your navigation bar. If you don't see it on iOS, hold down on one of the last 3 navigation icons to reveal more.

Bart Veldhuizen πŸš€

@ivory yeah another user helped me out. Frankly, that’s impossible to discover ;-)

Ivory by Tapbots :emoji_wink:

@BartV A lot of things are just very old. It's on our list to revamp our navigation system completely. It's been like this for over 10 years. πŸ™‚

Bart Veldhuizen πŸš€

@ivory great! Adding labels to the icons would already be a great improvement for me; the icons are mostly meaningless.


@ivory Thanks!

Suggestion: you might want to exclude figma (and possibly other ones Γ  la Dropbox) URLs.

Ivory by Tapbots :emoji_wink:

@bramus It’s not about the URLs in the post. Any details about that user? How many followers and people following him?

Ivory by Tapbots :emoji_wink:

@bramus Never mind I found that post. Thanks for the report! Will see if it can help us fine tune the filter.

🌊 Gary Goosey πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦πŸ—½πŸŒŠ 🧡

@ivory fyi, I had to click on your link in order to see the actual update page on the App Store.
I did check beforehand if the app was listed as available for update and was not shown as such. You may want to look into it and see why the App Store is not notifying Ivory app users of the recent update availability.

Ivory by Tapbots :emoji_wink:

@Graygoose it’s because we have our app releases set to roll out slowly over a week. That way if people report a show stopping bug that got through we can stop the release from going out to everyone and fix it first.


@ivory Are there any plans to build an Android application?

Ivory by Tapbots :emoji_wink:

@Brogio no, we don’t have any experience developing for any other platforms, unfortunately.

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