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Andreas K

@thefathippy @ThermiteBeGiants
No reasonable living in a metropolitan area.

Cars are not really reasonable for the general population in an urban environment.


@yacc143 @ThermiteBeGiants

My sarcasm sometimes works, sometimes it fails. 🤷 I was mocking the expectation of acres of car spaces.

Public transport, particularly in urban areas, *should* be great, and we, as a society, should be spending far more on it than we do. A lack of decent PT almost forces individual car ownership in a large city.

Andreas K

@thefathippy @ThermiteBeGiants I wouldn't know, Vienna has decent public transport. And my flat complex has its own underground station (admittedly, that far in the outlying districts, the "underground" goes on stilts in open air).

Funny, met yesterday at a birthday party one of the city traffic planers whose job it is to prioritize public transit traffic over private traffic. You know, additional bus lanes, traffic lights that give way to buses and trams, and so on.

Jeff Grigg

@yacc143 @thefathippy @ThermiteBeGiants

I lived in downtown Chicago for a while. I even had my car with me -- parked in a long term lot downtown. Rarely used it. Really, would have been less expensive to rent a car for long trips. (And yes, you can rent a car downtown.)

Andreas K

@JeffGrigg @thefathippy @ThermiteBeGiants
Well, we do have nice garages under the flat, cost €63,50 per month. Convenient for grocery shopping.
(Deliveries still don't really work/are expensive.)

And with parking charges introduced city wide (so that only residents can long-term park, at the exorbitant price of €10/m), even our second small car gets a place outside. (No we didn't buy it, we managed to inherit it ;) ).

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