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HistoPol (#HP)

(1/n) #FightTechnofeudalism

Friendly reminder:

People, stop using #Meta, #Google, and other #BigTech Apps that make YOU the product!
There are already so many right-wing governments.
You compromise YOUR current or at least future security (e.g. profiling using LLMs.)
Use #Threema or #Signal instead.

#DeleteX (Twitter)
#DeGoogle your Android phone

Data collection comparison of messenger services (found on the web):

HistoPol (#HP)


In this vein, #StopBeingTheProduct by letting your #browser track you.

Don't use #Chrome and #Edge. Use a browser with better #DataPrivicy like #Brave and #Firefox instead:

HistoPol (#HP)

And so it begins...

It is time to act, #Meta actively endangers #PublicHealth by suppressing the spread of #Covid and #LongCovid information.


"#Meta acknowledged…to The #WashingtonPost that #Threads is 👉intentionally blocking the search terms ["covid" and "long covid"] 👈and said that other terms are being blocked, but the company declined to provide a list of them."

And so it begins...

It is time to act, #Meta actively endangers #PublicHealth by suppressing the spread of #Covid and #LongCovid information.


"#Meta acknowledged…to The #WashingtonPost that #Threads is 👉intentionally blocking the search terms ["covid" and "long covid"] 👈and said that other terms are being blocked, but the company declined to provide a list of them."

HistoPol (#HP)



Tagging @pojntfx

I wasn't even aware that Avast had a browser, too. It wasn't in the comparison table either.
I checked, the German PC magazine tested it. It thinks that these are 2 cons:
-use of do-not-track header
-telemetry data is sent directly to Avast.

We had a discussion about browser privacy with Felicitas, who demonstrated that most browsers are just forks and no stand-alone products. Also, I think that in the meantime, I've read about a significant con...

HistoPol (#HP)

@JohnLoader6 @pojntfx


...of #Brave, but I don't recall.
In the end, we settled on a slightly tweaked version of #FireFox as the best option for most users.


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