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Jonathan T

@tamaaya I'd just done it before posting my reply to make sure it was still the case that this still worked because I'd not done the 5 button press for a long while. No loud noise from my phone (and I also can't recall it making one in the past, either). Admittedly, it isn't something I try out very often.


@JonnyT Yeah I just checked as well. I'm pretty sure you have to hold the button down or something for the alarm to sound. I've definitely triggered it by accident when diagnosing phone problems at work.

Scot Olsen

@tamaaya if you hold the power off button combo for more than three seconds after the “slide to unlock prompt comes up, it’ll sound the SOS siren and start calling 911 if you keep holding it.


@scot ahh that’s what it is. I’ve occasionally triggered it trying to get a phone into DFU mode as that also involves holding down the power button.

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