I'm doing some funny OSINT stuff and... I have found some funny stuff.

I looked him up on Google, Found a Discord report about him with his
real email attached.

Looked up his email, and found a post on the ctkpaarr forums (the one he's advertising the discord) of him being currently flamed for
this current ongoing incident.

The best part? He bought the script using a PayPal account. With his
real name and identity.

He is a
real skid. He just bought an off-the-shelf script and decided to piss off a lot of people, even the dude he bought it from with his antics. Bro snitched on himself and his entire community LMEOW

For the sake of my own job, my rep and legal security I'm not gonna tell where exactly I found this, but you guys can find it yourself. Figure it out.

This guy is making me dying out of laughter
💀 Our team @hq is hysterical right now at this horrible opsec.

Don't be a skid, kids.
#osint #spam #fediadmins #cybersec #opsec #misskeyadmin #mastoadmin #fediblock
