Men show up in my mentions all of the time to explain things to me. I revoke consent for them to talk to me. I'm opting out. I never opted "in" to speaking to them specifically, but I did opt in to interactions in this environment, with knowledge that I can revoke that consent.
What are the limits of what we can enforce and how does that inform consent? What tools do we have to inform and enforce those consent boundaries?
These are important questions and the answers aren't satisfying.
I don't know whether a bridge to bluesky should be opt-in or opt-out, and there are a lot of nuances there depending on specifics of the implementation. I can make an argument either way
I'd have probably said to expect a blowback, but as a _consent_ question I'm generally of the view that both have merit.
I can see a thousand reasons one might defederate from it or revoke, but then there are a thousand reasons one might defederate from gab, hachyderm, or Different question.