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Peter Butler

"... we’ve amassed around 60,000 followers across our six trial accounts, and we have had to do very little moderation of replies associated with our content.

"We’ve had really encouraging levels of engagement (i.e. replies, re-posts and likes) on Mastodon.

"For some equivalent posts we’ve seen significantly larger engagement numbers for Mastodon compared to X/Twitter, particularly given the relative sizes of different platforms"

#BBC #Mastodon #Fediverse

Mike Fraser :Jets: :flag:

@peterbutler I've preached for a long time now, Mastodon is a gold mine for organizations that want to authentically engage with an audience. Follower numbers are real and engagements are deep and conversational.

Ben Royce 🇺🇸 🇺🇦

@mike @peterbutler But you have to be careful. There is an ethos to Mastodon and things like self-promotion are frowned upon. There is a certain level of savviness and awareness that is required to navigate Mastodon properly, or there will be blowback. It also greatly depends upon the organization. I don't think Nestle nor Exxon would do very well here for example (thankfully).

Mike Fraser :Jets: :flag:

@benroyce @peterbutler Well said. I think though if Nestlé or Exxon entered the fedivers with a certain tact, and approached their content as outreach instead of agenda pushing it could work. You're right though, the media manager would need to be extremely in tune with the platform.

Ben Royce 🇺🇸 🇺🇦

@mike @peterbutler I'll be honest with you, I'd happily be lead torch bearer in the angry mob to defederate Exxon and Nestle servers from any and all instances.

Mike Fraser :Jets: :flag:

@benroyce @peterbutler It would be inevitable. I never said it would be easy, just possible. Personally I'm not a fan of fediblocks but that's a discussion for another thread. I would most likely block them from my timeline on principal but I'm sure that happens on all the platforms.


@benroyce @mike @peterbutler

You’d get stiff competition, I think! Fortunately everyone could federate.. 😂

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