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Steven Bodzin bike & subscribe

@b0rk that's interesting. I wonder if it's less a Twitter-Mastodon thing than just that you are writing about tech and there are tons of tech people here. Writing about Latin America or NYC politics, I find almost no pushback or scolding here because all the people who care about those topics and have strong feelings are all elsewhere. There was much much more scolding on Twitter.

Julia Evans

@stevenbodzin uh on twitter i assume almost all of my followers were tech people and it was not like this

Steven Bodzin bike & subscribe

@b0rk that makes sense. I was referring to what gets seen by non-followers, which in my experience is where I tend to get the bad faith readings, scoldings and misunderstandings.


@stevenbodzin @b0rk
Because the cohort that cares about these specific topics is less connected with your instance, thus less likely to find out it's being written, even if they have something to say about it.


@stevenbodzin @b0rk I think you may have misspelt “female” as “writing about tech” and “insecure males” as “ tons of tech people.”


@bodhipaksa @stevenbodzin @b0rk

I think it's a combination of what Bodhipaksa mentioned and the history of Mastodon/Fediverse--Twitter was built for "the normies" while Mastodon was built by white techbros for themselves at first and only seemed to diversity with the first ex-Twitter waves.

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