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Julia Evans

the replies to this are pretty bad, a lot of

- "well it's not a problem for ME”
- "just don't read the comments"
- "have you ever considered that on social media in general you need to be careful about what you say because folks don't have much context”
- "tech people are just all assholes”
- "no julia, the dozens of people trying to explain to you what a git branch is are just trying to HELP, you should be grateful”

kae 🔜 ANE

@b0rk there's gotta be some sorta "law" that says that any criticism of tech folks will cause them to exemplify the issue :dragnsad:


i agree with your assessment of here versus there. thanks for making the situation more publicly visible.


@b0rk the "limit replies" feature was handy

Ashe Dryden

@b0rk “have you ever considered that I feel that my need to be contrarian is more important than your request not to be abused?!” Lol people can be trash

Luis Villa

@ashedryden @b0rk ugh, that "quote" captures so much of that vibe (sadly, well-pre-dating Mastodon) so concisely and so well.



Also see:

"Whaddya mean you don't know how to mute and block someone or do a domain block? You don't know how to take care of yourself on the Internets!?!? What are you, just a stupid girl?!?! Make me a sammich!!!"


@b0rk I'm so sorry you endure this nonsense. I'm absolutely no one (in the sense I'm not someone who is followed, or have any creative output) and even I second guess myself and delete draft replies, mentally picturing how they will be misconstrued.

I have no idea if there's a solution, but I just wanted to drop a hopefully positive note to say how much I appreciate you helping folks learn so many development topics.


@b0rk just ugh 😑 . Sorry this has been your experience, I definitively have felt this too.


@b0rk your writing is one of the best resources for me. I wish, collectively, we were better at this.

Mr. Completely

@b0rk well I think you're doing great, your post was on point and I agree people here can be picky, pushy and generally pretty weird


@b0rk I've followed your blog for years and even bought your zines. I hope those comments don't get too much under your skin.

It's cool that you can distill these subjects into something not sounding pretentious and elitist, but instead your style portrays curiosity and openness to ideas and learning - it's quite unique because of that, and not all of the IT ppl get it.

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