@thisismissem @pixelfed @certbund @cert_eu Even if it'll just allow them to manipulate the public_html directory of said webserver that alone is a problem.
Not to mention they'll likely have eMail setup to sent notificiations and registration confirmations, meaning that can be abused for #Spam...
And at that point most people will point out that Spamming is kinda illegal and that regulators like @BNetzA will go after Spammers within their juristiction...
Having an insecure Webserver-Sided Application up and running is just begging for trouble and will get costly as every hoster & ISP I know will bill the customer in question for the costs of having to intervene due to their criminally gross neglect...
And those bills will get very big quickly, espechally when they had to deal with a shitload of fallout from other sources, like having to undo getting blocklisted for spam and so forth...
@kkarhan please just wait for the full disclosure on the 25th; I know you're trying to be helpful but you're misunderstanding the type of vulnerability.