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Ryan Barrett
Fediverse! I’ve been building a bridge to Bluesky, and they’re turning on federation soon, which means my bridge will be available soon too. You’ll be able to follow people on Bluesky from here in the fediverse, and vice versa.

Bluesky is a broad network with lots of worthwhile people and conversations! I hope you’ll give it a chance. Only fully public content is bridged, not followers-only or otherwise private posts or profiles. Still, if you want to opt out, I understand. Feel free to DM me at (different account than this one), email me, file a GitHub issue, or put #nobridge in your profile bio.

A number of us have thought about this for a while now, we’re committed to making it work well for everyone, and we’re very open to feedback. Thanks for listening. Feel free to share broadly.

cc @activitypubblueskybridge @fedidevs @fediversenews

Johannes Ernst @activitypubblueskybridge @fedidevs @fediversenews To the people on this thread who talk about GDPR violations: I’d be interested in the specific clause in the GDPR that you believe a bridge like this violates. Curious.

retiolus @activitypubblueskybridge @fedidevs @fediversenews i like the #nobridge in the account description, but I think you also should respect the #nobot. I don't want to finish with 3000000 hashtags in my description

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