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King Kaufman

Late last night, I checked the New York Times, Washington Post, CNN, the three major legit networks news sites. None of them were treating this as a big story.

The NYTimes and CNN had it near the top of their front page, but with several stories played bigger. None of the others even had the story on their front pages.

A candidate for president, and a former president, saying he would encourage Russia to attack our allies. Not news.

You know what was big news, presented as a bigger story than this, by orders of magnitude? Trump asking where Nikki Haley's husband is.

Your liberal media at work.


@kingkaufman I am moved by how quickly the WaPo and NYT turned into "new" cable entertainment stations.

His comments are shocking.

Nuncio Bitis 🏳️‍🌈 🇵🇸 🇺🇦

@kingkaufman For values of “liberal” that equate to conservative fascism.


@kingkaufman talking about these 3 big media companies, something is not working right. Majority of the people in the states are discounting the chance of a Trump return! But I’m afraid.


@yinnkaa @kingkaufman

right now, this is the LEAD story on NYT< WaPo, NPR and number two on ABC and NBC

ABC leads with something that liberals ignore at their peril:

Overwhelming majority of Americans think Biden is too old for another term: POLL

A majority also think Trump is too old for a second term.



the thing is , aside from a few Biden supporters, NO ONE cares

honestly, this is a really hard thing for Biden supporters to understand, but no one cares


at the current moment this is just not true
maybe you should edit your toot


@failedLyndonLaRouchite @kingkaufman

Yeah they were slow on the pickup though, looks like it's getting talked about on the Sunday shows.


@CartyBoston @kingkaufman

I am not sure why, exactly, but major news media - NYT, etc, are much slower, on average, then social media

and I have seen this pretty consistently for 5+ years (most of that on twitter)

I suspect, a guess, that the NYT etc still have basic fact checking and copy edit functions leftl

Graham Phillips

@kingkaufman Well said, though I’m always disappointed by America’s misuse of the word ‘liberal’. Here’s John Stuart Mill:


@kingkaufman sorry no.

This is enormous news - a candidate encouraging an attack on allies is MAJOR news anywhere.



@kingkaufman oh, yeah. One more thing.

Blocked. You earned it.

Darwin Woodka

@piratero @kingkaufman did you totally misread what he wrote or miss the sarcasm?

Mark McClelland

@kingkaufman Giving him the top headlines he craves every time he says crazy shit is its own trap. I suspect editors are trying to avoid trumpeting his clickbait bullshit claims. Whether and when that would be the right move is beyond me, but I do know he has dominated the mindshare game in the past by going after every disruptive or unconventional angle he can find.

Mark McClelland

@kingkaufman I do hope Biden's campaign staff are collecting footage for future ads highlighting how dangerous it would be to put Trump behind the wheel again.

Mark McClelland

@kingkaufman It's good to see that the NYT revived this piece from December and put it on the front page: "Fears of a NATO Withdrawal Rise as Trump Seeks a Return to Power"



@kingkaufman the man needs help. By help of course I mean a prison psychiatrist.

Badger AF (he/him)

@stevenray @kingkaufman Nah, I'm fine with him mingling in the general population—you know, with him being a populist, man-of-the-people and everything.

Panama Red

@kingkaufman It's now the lede on the WaPo home page. On weekends, sites are sometimes a little slow to react.

Shiraz Turvey 💙

@kingkaufman It was a lead item on my BBC music station at 0730 GMT onwards.

Darwin Woodka

@kingkaufman It's why the rest of the world just sees the US as insane. They don't even understand how Trump is allowed to run for office at all.

Badger AF (he/him)

@kingkaufman As flawed as it is, the WaPo did have this as the story above the fold...


@kingkaufman And this from a person who doesn't pay taxes and lies about the value of his properties to get loans he shouldn't. Also, with respect to Nikki Haley's husband, one would think Trump supporters would actually want a candidate smart enough to ask the person next to him where her husband is before shooting off his mouth. It's not like it's that hard to figure out.

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