Idler Utopist Polyamor Ethnologe Bohémien Hermeneut Praxeograph Social Worker Révolutionnaire Ethnomethodologe Macht in Gesellschaft Sprache Macht Wirklichkeit Natural born cyborg Je fais l’anarchie Vagabondage ¡No pasarán! Fußgänger Picknicker Soziologe Flaneur he/him myog hiker unix :wq
:anarchiststar: generic humanoid carbon unit
Amore, anarchia, subito!
#Alptraum #Alpenraum#nobot #idler
Please wait patiently for the failure of the system. leftist are skilled in waiting for a system failure .. so no worries. Life prepared us for that
@mawe I think we've been waiting long enough tbh leftist are skilled in waiting for a system failure .. so no worries. Life prepared us for that
@mawe I think we've been waiting long enough tbh