The internet has a built-in adjustable cat. It is remarkably therapeutic. Heed the recommendation to use head- or earphones.
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Open on IsocatPronouns:
Personal infoAbout:
I live with my husband in a purple house in BC, Canada I have a stripey, orange, fuzzy Tiger cloak—nothing bad is to happen while I'm wearing it; that's the law. Beards, cats, plants, kitties, food, tigers, beards, astrophotographs, thoughtful words, beards, witty cleverness, grinworthy art, kitties, tigers, beards, the occasional interesting carburetor, and loosely related are all YES for me on here. Politics and badness are (hard!) NO. |
@isocat This is the best thing on the internet.
@isocat super nice. I just wish they had a source repo link so I could send a PR to make the volume range a bit wider; at 1/5 it's still very loud.
@isocat this totally needs to be a VST